The Past Histories of the Glass Sellers’ Company


William Ramsey (Master 1879/80) (It was noted in the Court Minutes of 13.12.1990 that this book was to be copied. It is not known if this refers to the 1899 book.)


John Moore (Master 1898/9) (Copies of the 59 pages of this book have been reprinted by Kessinger Publishing’s Legacy Reprints ISBN 1104391201)


Sidney Young FSA. (200 Copies cost £54.14.3d.) (He was a Past Master of the Barber’s Company and died in 1914.) On 22.3.1939 it was noted that copies of Sidney Young’s history had run out, and A L Howard agreed to produce an update. It was also agreed to buy Lists of Members Booklets from R F Stevens (£5.10/-)


Alexander Liddon Howard (Master 1925/6, 1926/7, 1936/7, 1940/1, 1941/2, 1942/3, & 1943/4.)


Sir Arthur Edward Hall (Supplements to 1943 Issue) (Master 1947/8) (On 20.6.1951 it was noted that Sir A E Hall was bringing the history up to date. This is probably the Report & List of Members 1947-1952)


George Allan Bone (Master 1968/9)


John Grafton Thorpe (Master 1995/6) (This updated history was produced to celebrate the 350th year of the Livery. Margaret L Kekewich assisted with the production. Note: On 15.12.1988 the Court Minutes noted that C Jim Ball (Master 1982/3) was re-editing and updating the Company History. He hoped to complete that by the end of 1989. On 24.3.1992, a short version was mentioned and, on 24.9.1992, 1000 copies were mentioned. However C Jim Ball had died in April 1992 and no issued copy has yet been traced. All his draft notes are now in our store and contained in a brown leather briefcase.

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