James Hayes died on 1st March 1821. By his Will, he bequeathed £200 to the Company to be distributed to the poor of the Company at the discretion of the Master and Wardens. This was reported to the Court on 22nd March 1821. The Clerk suggested instituting a fund for the benefit of poor members and their widows based on the foundations of this legacy.

On 21st June 1821, it was resolved that the dividends from the legacy be distributed to poor members at the discretion of the Master, Wardens, and Court. Mr. John Blades added £210 to the Fund on 27th September 1821, and The Master and Assistants added a further £60. Other donations created a fund totaling £647.11.6d.

On 23rd June 1965, the Court decided to draw up a Trust Deed to regularize the Charity Fund’s position, which began with the legacy from John Hayes in 1821. The original £200 had since been augmented by donations, other legacies, covenants, and transfers from the general Company Funds. The income was now about £1500 per annum.

Recent donations have been as follows:

  • 22.3.1979: £250 to the Pottery & Glass Benevolent Institution
  • 20.3.1980: £250 to the same
  • 19.3.1981: £250 to the same
  • 25.3.1982: £250 to the same
  • 22.9.1983: £50 to the same
  • 15.3.1984: £150 to the same
  • 19.3.1985: £150 to the same
  • 24.3.1986: £250 to the same
  • 22.3.1988: £200 to the same
  • 16.3.2000: £400 to O C T R Normandale (Past Master) for an Electric Armchair.

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