The Glass Sellers Coat of Arms

The Glass Sellers Company did not register its Coat of Arms on its creation.

On 20th March 1800, the Clerk reported that he had been applied to from the Office for registering Armorial Bearings in respect of the arms and trophies of the Company. He had found that all other companies had registered their Arms. He had thus paid for the same for the past two years. It was ordered that the Company pay for their Arms each Midsummer, but it seems that these payments only occurred for two years after which they ceased.

On 2nd November 1911, the L.C.C. wrote pointing out that there was no record of any receipt of Licence Fees in respect of the use of Armorial Bearings. It was resolved that a cheque for 2 Guineas for the previous two years 1910 and 1911 should be sent. Then it was recorded that on 14.1.1919 the sum of 5 Guineas was paid to the L.C.C for the 5 years 1914 to 1918.

On 31st May 1926, a Special Court was held to consider the Company’s Coat of Arms. The Chester Herald had informed the Master that, as far as he could ascertain, no grant of the Arms now being used by the Company had ever been made. In these circumstances it was a moot point whether the Arms could be properly put on the Goblets that the Master and Wardens were proposing to present to the University of Sheffield. After considerable discussions, during which it was pointed out that the Arms had been in use for 260 years, it was resolved to defer the matter “sine die”. The Licence Fee of 1 Guinea per annum continued to be paid and except for 1931 was recorded between 1929 and 1939.

On 4th April 1951, Past Master Col. Dove reminded the Court that the Arms of the Company had not been registered at the College of Heralds, and the Hon. Clerk was instructed to find out the cost of registration. He reported on 20th June that he had seen the Rouge Croix Herald and the cost for the Grant of Arms would be £105 with, if Supporters were required, an extra £55 plus £8.8/- for a line drawing. The application was deferred, but consideration was given to using an Heraldic Designer as there were several forms of Coat of Arms in use! On 6th December 1951 it was agreed that no action should be taken.

At the Court Meeting held on June 19th 2008, it was agreed that the Company should now apply for a Grant of Arms. This followed a visit to the College of Arms, at which it had again been pointed out that the Glass Sellers were the only Livery Company which had no official Arms approved by the College, and thus no legal protection. We also risked exclusion from important City documents. It was also noted that we were approaching the 350th Anniversary of the Charter. The Livery was circulated and funds of some £12,000 were raised to cover the cost. A Committee was formed to consider the design and make the application via the Windsor Herald, William Hunt. The Consultative Group Committee met under the chairmanship of Past Master John Hitch and an application was duly made. The Coat of Arms was duly approved and presented to the Livery on 23rd September 2009 by the Windsor Herald in full scarlet dress uniform, accompanied by The Raven Master of the Tower of London.

The existing Latin Motto “Discordia Frangimvr” was retained within the Coat of Arms. “Discordia” can mean discord, dissension, or discordant matters. “Frangimvr” is the passive first person plural of Frango and means “We are broken in pieces, weakened or diminished”. This creates a nice pun as, of course, glass itself can be broken. However, the Glass Sellers are known as a very friendly Livery Company and this motto reminds members that “We are broken by discord” should members ever be tempted to be in dispute with one another.

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